Everything's Strange

Skye stared at Bangle as he fell onto his bottom on the hard, cold cement floors of Thornbury and she immediately felt horrible. But anger and self-righteousness masked the guilt and a masquerade of anger overcame anything else that Skye was feeling as Bangle asked why she had done that.

"Because!" she exclaimed, tears springing to her eyes as she spoke without knowing why. "Everything's going wrong, Bangle... We caught Argul too late, much later than we should have...and...Shaw's son..." When the mention came of Shawchert's son, Skye suddenly seemed to lose control of her body for a second as her entire form twitched at the mention of the mutilated pup on Shawchert's steps. She closed her eyes to try to eradicate the sight from her views, but it stayed with her even as she closed her eyes. The truth was that Skye had been having nightmares - horrible, graphic nightmares of what had happened to Shaw's son, and nightmares of it happening to her own children when they were born. The possibility loomed over her, and she cringed from it; even the mere mention of it would send her spiralling.

"I know I have to be stronger than this, Bangle, but I can't...they won't leave me alone!" she wailed - 'they' being the nightmares - and without warning, she burst into tears. She buried her head in her hands, berating herself mentally for being this weak; she was a leader, she had to be stronger than this, but she couldn't be; her emotions were lost.

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