Everything's Strange

nah, skye's too much of a party pooper xD

Skye's head stayed down as she heard the soft clip-clopping of her goat. Ever since the snowstorm combined with the drama that ensued, she had kept Jack in the stables - he was strong enough to take care of himself - but had kept Cheddar inside, with her, for safety. She knew that even if no evil forces were around to take her precious goat, Cheddar loved to eat, and she would easily eat through the soft wood of the stables and escape. So she kept her in here for company; she loved that little goat, no matter how annoying she may be in the small hours of the night.

The female felt a hand rest on her belly, and she looked down; for the first time since the entire time she was pregnant, she thought she felt them move inside her. It hit her, then, that she really was pregnant - there really were pups in there, more than one, definitely, and it was this moment that she realized that they were there - they weren't just things making her stomach bigger or making her have crazy mood swings; they were her children, and she had to take care of them the best that she could.

She heard Bangle's comment - it was said with conviction, like he would never let anything happen to their children. When he said that, Skye smiled slightly; a weight was still heavy on her heart, but she smiled anyway at her mate, and at his determination not to let anything happen to their first litter. Skye swore to herself, too - nothing, nothing would happen to them.

Despite herself, she laughed slightly at Bangle's joke, but the laughter died quickly, being replaced by quick and rapid coughing in succession. She doubled over, but - pain! - in her abdomen, and she straightened immediately. All of a sudden, she felt slightly nauseous, and her brows furrowed together, her eyes lanced with worry and confusion.

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