My minds a blood bath

Word Count → 312 :: <3

Niro could hear how sincere his mate was being, and even feeling worse because of the way her cat glared at her. He could tell she’d try to be better. He was doing what he could to be the best father, and that also meant he had too protect Jiva from anything, even his mother. He was glad to hear her promise, though was slightly skeptical. He watched as she got up and rummaged through her chest. She came back holding a box and handed him a key. It was a bit of a relief to know she couldn’t... she’d never do that, but he took it anyway. Then she held out a necklace. Niro was not a religious man, how could he be with all he’d gone through? But he never said anything against anyone’s gods or beliefs, and he certainly wouldn’t say anything about his mate or even possibly his son’s if he so chose. He was quiet for a bit.

“I should have held off, I’m so sorry... if it wasn’t for me, you’d not have to worry about this, but I promise, I’ll help you get through this, I’m always here for you.”

He said moving to her, and putting his free arm around her. He wanted to comfort her before letting Jiva go into her hands again. The boy was asleep once more, thankfully still not able to hear any sounds that had come from either of their mouths. He sat quietly, before, moving his elbow a little, giving her the indication she could take him. He was silent and he wouldn’t let her out of his sight for a while, at least not until Ayita came back. He didn’t want to take any chances, not when he already had two stillborns. And had lost all his other offspring for one reason or another.

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