can i feel a chemical reaction?
hear me out now

Coding©Sie - Word Count: 210


you're gunna listen to me like it or not

The ivory dog slunk a bit closer, now that the bird had calmed; he stayed out of close-range striking distance, though, fearing those razor-sharp talons and beak. The Eagle's beady little eyes stared straight at him, and he avoided it's gaze, preferring to look at the ground or at the strange man named Niro instead.

"I know she is. She’s a good asset though. She is a golden eagle, my companion... well one of them. Now as for getting in over here? A name would help, and a reason why we should allow you into the protection of the pack." he explained, ending his speech with a roundabout question.

"I s'pose I can tell ya that. It's Denver. Dever Mathis." he said, still cautiously eying the creature he called his companion. "I'm ah... well, I d'know, I'm a pretty good handyman, I guess. I can read a bit. Write. Y'know," he shrugged, trying to appease the man so that he might be allowed to go and explore this land, away from that large bird of prey, a beast nearly a third his own size, but so very light. How they managed to be such dangerous beings, he didn't know. "I'm young still, Niro, what d'ya want from me? I can learn, easy," he said, cutting his explanation short and motioning to the Eagle.

Denver was perfectly willing and able, but his annoyance with this creature and this weird man who seemed to have tamed it was rising. He didn't want to be tortured for fun; all he needed was to explore this so-called Kingdom.

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