sometimes our dreams, they float like anchors
OOC : [Thanks James for the table.] Sorry for the delay.

"I swore that was the right way." He couldn't help but mumble to himself. So far in his journey to explore the caves, and find this thing called a 'library'. He's managed to find the horses three times, and the entrance to the cave twice. He's also was quite sure he'd been going in a circle. As it stood now he's simple manged to find his way to the caves main gathering area. It was wide and expansive, but as it stands seeing the dark was never his strong suit. Lacking an eye only made the matter worse. Even more so as his leg began to bother him, and give way to a cramp again.

A soft sigh escaped his muzzle as he pawed at the ground around him, "In a pack full of toughies, I've sure proved myself to be a bit of a wimp." None the less, he was here and even if he didn't know his way around it seemed most were friendly. Even if friendly was the loose way to describe them. Never the less, at the end of the day he's never really felt quite safe. Yet here, here he was beginning to really feel the word. Then again, how was he to really know what the word safe meant. In the end, even those closet to him turned their backs to favor potential power. In the end, was the power they gained worth it? How long would it take before their deciets fell in under the weight of their greed. How long before they realized power was only half the battle, with out the other aspect their was no prize to be had in power.

Whining again as he curled himself up over by the wall, he looked around. With his right paw he moved to make a map of what he could remember. However, he had the vaguest feeling not all tunnels led to the horses. He probably just found the horses due to his irrational fear of them.


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