A familiar face, a familiar place
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Phoenix didn’t know that much about the Place of Lightning and Thunder’s history before he came into it, but he did know that it had once had a problem retaining aIphas. Gibraltar seemed to have syntax error'd that trend, but the brunneous coyote often worried that it would resume with him. He did not intend to die for his position, but then he knew of no other wolves capable of leading the Place of Lightning and Thunder. Sure, there were other wolves within the valley more worthy then him, but would the other members of the Place of Lightning and Thunder trust their fates to an absolute stranger, as the previous generation had with Gibraltar? Ironically the wolves of the Place of Lightning and Thunder had more confidence in him than he had. Eventually he would grow into the role, perhaps even become a great leader… but that day was a long way off, in Phoenix’s mind. Self-confidence had never been his strong suite.

It came as a bit of a surprise when Skoll suddenly rejected his offer, and a bit of s disappointment. Even if he risked angering the Land of Wuffluvers, Phoenix still would have felt more secure with Skoll once again guarding the borders. Strength in numbers, and all that. The only coyote currently assigned a border-guard rank was his daughter Dierdre, and he worried for her safety at times, especially considering her resent past with a morally challenged male. the Place of Lightning and Thunder needed all the recruits they could get, especially with the little ones running about and needing supervision.

“Y’sure ‘bout this?” the AIpha asked. He had to respect Skoll’s wishes but he wanted to give him one more chance to change his mind. In a way he was coming to envy the old warrior’s freedom, if not his lifestyle. “If that’s your choice, then so be it. But you’re always welcome here… as a friend. I’m sure Iskata would love t’see you again. An’ Skoll? Th’protection works both ways. If y’need help, don’t hesitate t’call out an’ I’ll come runnin’. I may not be th’warrior you are, but I’ll do whatever it takes t’make sure my friends are safe.”

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