All that was

Word Count → 276 :: OOC: Sorry I think it's crappy but couldn't see me doing much better cause i'm a suckah

Liliana decided in not telling Layla how she found her mare, for it might scramble more of the woman’s idea about prey animal. It wasn’t so hard to move about them, but if one did not understand they might think something was wrong so Liliana was quiet as she watched the interaction between horse and woman. Grace‘s ears flicked forward when Layla started talking to her, nervously. It was a good start and it seemed Grace took that as a cue that she could show more interest because she heard the popping of the knees as Grace moved her hooves forward, and the horses nose came to nudge at Layla’s. She snorted suddenly, but did not move away. Lili could tell tha Grace approved of her.

“I think you two are no friends. Grace has always had a good temperment I suppose, but it’s nice to know she enjoys company of strangers.”

Liliana said approvingly. She was happy, though sad she didn’t get to keep Grace to herself, but she knew the horse was a social creature and this woman was interested in knowing what horses were like apparently she hadn’t been so close to one.

“The mating season’s coming, I’m not sure if I want to breed her or not. I’m sure she would make a beautiful foal.”

Liliana said, smiling at the woman. She was not sure how the woman would react, but she did want to show her pride in the animal she had, and she knew that the horse had her eye on the more... rambunctious of the bunch of horses they had.

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