Let your bright light shine
sorry for the wait, i have been really busy

The woman was almost dead, mentally. She was nothing but a shadow and she knew it. The woman heard voices now and they told her to tear and rip and kill everyone, anyone and everyone and everyone and burning and ripping.... Jace shook her head as it got too loud for her to think inside her brain. She wiped at her face with a paw, the claws brushing through the blood matted fur. The hybrid was still covered in the pup killer's blood and gore, coupled with her scars and dead eyes she was one fearsome looking female, the blue and amber gaze swept the pack lands as she made her way swiftly across them.

The sound of yelping and soft puppy growls caught her attention as she came across an old church. One of the pack had given birth? For a second Jace came to life and physically pain flared in her chest and the crimson splashed femme dropped to her knees trying to draw in breath through the crushing despair she felt. Her babies they were gone and dead, their burial site disrespected and vandalized, their bodies flung about carelessly at her like a weapon. They were not coming back to her ever again, they would grow up with the angels now and not with her like they should. Damn Lucifer to the fiery depths of hell.

She aimed a vicious slash to the bag that she had dropped and cackled quietly to herself when it rolled away from her. Jace took a deep breath and shut everything out, all emotion and once again it was herself, dead and the voices. She retrieved the bag that contained her grisly prize and entered the church. She moved forwards slowly and with caution, instinctively knowing that the mother would attack Jace if she thought she was a thread and Jace really didn't want to kill a pack mate even in self defense.


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