in other words, anarchy

Hi Raine! Just so you know, your joining thread takes place on April 9th, which is a few days after this thread. If you'd like to backdate that we certainly can in order to fit with this thread. Smile Also, we're at the Guest House of the Mansion, not the main building.

The yellow-furred woman introduced herself and sat. Unabashed to eat in front of her, the Aquila began his meal. He ate quickly, as he always did, crunching bones and fur with jaws made for a wolf. Aeron spoke about meeting Hybrid, and confirmed his suspicions that Kaena had welcomed her. Her question about the wolves made Gabriel narrow his eyes. Before he had time to answer, much less swallow the chunk of meat in his mouth, another woman came riding towards the guest house. She was unfamiliar to him, but Ezekiel had described her horse. Gabriel thought of Cotl’s own mount when he saw the way the dark stallion was painted.

Her horse’s display brought a raised eyebrow from the wounded Aquila. He was not used to the animals, especially when they behaved unlike the ungulates he was used to. “Gabriel,” he replied. “Aquila of the clan. This is Aeron, and the man over there is Enkiel.” The hybrid looked back towards the aforementioned woman, face darkening ever so slightly. “A few months ago one of our members was killed after he crossed Anathema’s borders. They claimed he was in their home, but I don’t know how true that is. They seem like trouble, so we’ve doubled our borders on the eastern side of our land.” A nod of the head motioned the direction before he bit off another chunk of the rabbit.

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