i microfoam styrowave.
http://i155.photobucket.com/albums/s304 ... d/rawr.png); background-repeat:no-repeat; padding-top:160px; background-position:top center; background-color:#FEFEFE">

-Also fails when she doesn't have internet because Verizon sucks.- |:

------"There are two or three so far, all south west of here," he responded helpfully, although somewhat intentionally vague. Inferni was more west than south, but he really didn't want to speak of Inferni's existence, much less its actual location. His existing knowledge was still somewhat shaky, and he embraced this now as he played the part of the fictitious Joule. As far as "Joule" was concerned, there was no reason for him to know that much yet anyway.
------Even so, he was learning more. Their pack's concept, frankly, intrigued him--he was rather preoccupied with learning new things, himself. New skills, understanding of current events, and even new knowledge in general was how he generally got his kicks. In a different life (Joule's life?), maybe he just would have been interested in joining. Maybe it would be better to expand his horizons a little and focus on something other than his paranoid spying. But no... he was Anselm de le Poer, not Joule. As much as he was interested in this alter-ego of his, he knew it was unrealistic and he couldn't appear too interested. He had to stay casually interested, at best... after all, he eventually would need to wheedle his way out of here.

------Fortunately, Joule was a dynamic character. Although Anselm may have been entirely suited for their pack in some alternate universe, he could craft Joule so that he was not. This would make slipping away easier. As far as he was concerned, he had the names of what were probably the leaders (Tayui and Pilot), and he knew that the pack was more concerned with knowledge than fighting, it seemed. For now, he put on a slightly disappointed but still friendly face. "Ah, I'm afraid I'm not too much of a story teller or scholar," he confessed. "I am mostly a simple traveller," he asserted, which was at least halfway truthful. He was intelligent and he enjoyed practical knowledge, but he wasn't very gifted at sharing it with others. Travelling had been his thing in recent months, too... simple was an all out lie, but whatever.


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