Under new stars
The rabbit settled into her stomach, automatically the new nourishment warmed and comforted her. Here she was happy and full with a new friend. A very much different wolf then she had been a month ago, cold and empty stomach. It was a very much presenter change.
Nudging the meat again. The silver male raised his head acting like a father or big brother, encouraging her to eat it. If an other wolf had showed his dominance like that she would most probable have cowered. Yet having been in his proximity enough t get a good feeling of the male and the almost certain knowledge that he would not hurt something if it was not needed.
"I'm not hungry now, I already had most of the rabbit." She laughed lightly. For it was true small frequent meals had served her well though she had a much smaller stomach then the average wolf, it usually meant she had to eat more regularly though.
Ignoring the meat wether the old male wanted to eat it or not. Laying on her side she started to groom her feet and muzzle from the clotting blood of the kill.
"So how long have you been in the pack?" she asked trying to start up some small talk in the peaceful lull of a full stomach.

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