And the sun will set for you
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ooc//sometimes beginnings aren't so simple

Finished, I guess. The next post will be better. Mom's rushing me, and I haven't had a whole lot of time to work on it.

ic\\sometimes goodbye's the only way

The white female stared at all the sights around her. This had clearly been a bustling little city in its heyday, but now the majority of the houses stood silent and empty. The female sat and wrapped her tail elegantly about her haunches, and called out for one who could make her "like them." She wished to find a person who she could talk to and confide in, as she'd not had that before.

As she waited, the female took in the sights and sounds of the beach front. The waves slapped merrily against the silica, and seagulls called in the distance. The houses were made of either weatherproofed wood, stone, or brick. Gen decided she'd like to live in one of those houses.


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