our last year on earth
(So much conflicting info! Dammit! And I can find it for humans and horses. evrything else says GO TO THE VET! LOL)

A rattler. Deuce felt panic seep into her mind, even as her beloved called her by his mother's name. She whined softly, touching his leg. It was warm to the touch. She ran her hand down his leg, searching for the bite marks. She hoped she could remember everything she'd read or heard about snake bite. unfortuantely, it wasn't much. He shouldn't have been moving it. It had been about an hour since he'd been bitten.

And there were no hebs to magikally cure it.

She elevated his body so his heart was above the bite. Then she tied a cloth around the leg. It wasn't a tourniquit, though it would be once the swelling got going. No ice or heat...that would make it worse. She made sure the pups were in their playpen and started a fire. She'd boil some willow bark and chamomile for tea for Lucifer. It might help with the pain and fever.

But the venom would have to run it's course. All she could do was treat the symptoms, not the problem. So that was what she would do.

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