Seeking a friend or two in a still new environment
blagh muse death

The woman's wish to keep elusive and hidden was not answered and soon both males turned to look at her body partly concealed in the bushes. The hybrid was torn, she wanted to join them in play even though it would cause her pain both physical and emotionally but she didn't think she could. Death was with her now, it followed her around like a faithful dog, sitting at her heels. The sable male's attack had been horrible and tragic and all sorts of words she couldn't and didn't want to think of, Jace would have her revenge on Lucifer even if it cost her her life too.

The woman stood from the floor, brushing the leaves and dirt from her self and took a hesitant step forwards out of the brush and into the daylight. And then another, until she was walking slowly towards the pair as they stared at her disgusting broken form that still hadn't recovered from its premature birthing.

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