It's a dangerous game...

There he was, walking peacefully though the woods, and as if on cue, just after he'd thought that he wanted to be alone, a stranger appeared, causing Umbra to pause and turn in the other guy's direction. He stood quiet for a couple of moments, studying the other. As far as he could tell, it was an ordinary wolf (albeit injured); the scent of blood was too fresh for Umbra to catch any underlying scents, like pack scent or freak scent. But ordinary wolf or not, Umbra wanted to be alone.

"Go away," he grumbled, turning away to continue his trek eastward. He didn't need this. So what if he was slightly rude? They weren't on anyone's territory, so he had a right to voice his opinion. Besides, with how injured that wolf seemed to be, there wouldn't be any problems, would there?

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