five days from home
oh yea! sorry he is in his lupus form(; oh and sorry for the oh-so fail post! when I'm on my iPod my muse completely diesXD

Ookami smiled at her comments. "Sounds fun." He chuckled a bit, he felt giddier than he had for quite a while. After her last comment his head cocked, "No.. I have never sung before.. but thank you." He chuckled, his head still cocked to the side. Was he good at something he had never done before? He had never even heard anyone sing before yet this female said he was good. He smiled, maybe she was just saying that. Though now that Ookami had sung something he probably would be doing it all the time. "Oh! Excuse me, my name is Ookami." He grinned, hoping she didn't find him rude.

Ookami wanted to sing more! It had been so relieving. He felt happy and excited, like singing had wiped away all of his problems. This was surely something he was going to have to do in the future. He just needed to learn new songs now. He would think about his newly found love later. Right now he wanted to talk, "Pennyroyals huh? What are they good for?" He grinned, were they a herb used for healing.. or something else? Guess he would find out soon. He glanced up at the sky. It was a clear day with big puffy white clouds. He smiled, it was his favorite type of day. "What a beautiful day!" He laughed. He felt strange. He felt bubbly and hyper. He felt like a puppy again. Though he had never been this way as a puppy. He had always been mature and calm. But now something and cracked open. Maybe it was because life was going pretty grate. Him and Adonia were nearly mates, his injuries were gone and so much more. The only bad thing going on was what was happening to Jace. This thought alone was something that could dampen his spirits any day.. but not now. He felt to happy to become sad.

It was only now that he really looked at the female infront of him. She had lots of colors on her coat and a pretty tattoo on her arm. Around her neck she wore a necklace and Ookami looked at it for a moment. He smiled, it looked good on her. He looked deep into her eyes, something that was a bad habit. He knew it threatened many wolves, yet he couldn't bring himself to not look into others eyes. Ookami believed that the eyes are a key to a person's soul. And he felt that he understood someone better if he could look into their eyes. The females were lovely, a pretty blue color. He looked away, not wanting to seem a threat, and instead focused on the water in frot of him.

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