Exploring the Fellow

Domonick let out a laugh as Shawchert spoke, "Yeah, I'd think it'd be safer too." his smile stretched across his face. It was nice meeting someone he'd never met, he liked meeting people, especially someone from other packs. He scratched the back of his head, laughing.

"Cercatori d’ Arte, I've heard of it, never met anyone from there." Domonick had heard talk of it, but he didn't know much about it. He guess it was possibly relatively newly formed, or he could have just never heard of it until recently. He was isolated too long to really hear any newer news about the packs, and not much talk has been going around.

Domonick chuckled softly as Shewchet mentioned Jefferson,

"He's the same as any other weather, grumpy, aggravated," he let out another chuckle, "but, he's doing well from when I've seen him." He laughed at the thought of seeing Jefferson shivering, covered in snow. "I don't think any weather could change the way he acts." He smiled, Jefferson was hard, he knew that, but he also knew that he always meant well, no matter what.

"I love the snow," he said with a smile, "the way it's so different from other weather. It's beautiful too."

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