I don't need no arms around me
that actually made me snort with laughter XD
wordcount :: 3+

For a moment, the pair seemed to stare eachother down - Her grip tightened on the bag, producing white knuckles and a formidable hip-shot pose. Finally Gabriel gave his assent with a snort of derision, which Alaine knew covered up his irked submission rather well. As soon as the male turned, a smile bloomed on her pixie maw. She hastened after him, not wanting to be left standing alone in such a vulnerable area - Although the Aquila had assured her safety, she had little trust in the other members of his clan, and with good reason too.

His words carried back to her, an order by all reckoning. Alaine did not argue, knowing better than to push her luck here. A room on her own would increase her vulnerability tenfold, and besides, being in Gabriel's chamber allowed her much more access to the male to serve his ailments. Her footpaws were silent on the old wooden floor, emerald gaze wide and as owlish as her son's as they passed through a large open room that she assumed to be a common room of some sort, and then through a blanket into a smaller chamber. Although the room had a slightly musty smell, an open window allowed a fragrant and crisp air to waft in leisurely. Phosphorescent green looked to the forest of its own nature beyond, and she thought momentarily of her children, and the forest out the front of the Chien Hotel. They would be well, under the care of the babysitters. All would be well.

The sound of the male's rogue-ish, gravelly voice brought her attention to him again. As he spoke, the Apothecary moved to place her bags in one corner of the room, stopping only to allow a healthy laugh to swell from her throat. "Indeed, he is! Much alike his father, on occasion," She smirked, but it was not unkindly, "But never you fear. I am quite the catch myself, and not easily wooed by men with pretty smiles," She spoke fondly of Ezekiel, but jested at her own expense - A humble creature by nature, Alaine grinned broadly to show that she was being provocative.

The grin faded slightly, slipping to be replaced by a more serious look. There was a deep concern within her, for him and the injuries he had sustained. Perhaps this was only the beginning of the dark foreboding she had been feeling for so long. "May I have a look at your shoulder?" She kneeled appropriately, and gestured for him to come nearer.

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