I'll soon be turning


But what did he want? She would have expected the male to have turned and vanished the moment he had caught her scent, but instead he had chosen to approach. What thoughts could be travelling through his mind right now? Oversized ears leaned back toward auburn locks, quietly revealing an instinctual disapproval as no sound rose to interrupt the building tension he had brought with him. She would have been more at ease if her foot was not suffering from a fresh injury. It would weaken her, but there would be no fear as long as her beloved twin sword remained close to her. Scarlet eyes abandoned the large male’s form for only a moment as she considered the scalpel in her hands. The small blade alone could prove to be a sufficient weapon as well if she targeted the soft, blue eyes of his.

He approached further, carefully, and she remained still, allowing him to follow his curiosity or whatever impulse he followed. Perhaps he was merely curious, and she could understand that. Deep shades of red lingered with him now, investigated how he had changed since she last had seen him. He had towered above her as a youth and she imagined he held more height now if she stood before him with both in their optime forms. When he finally lay down on his belly, she could not help but continue her silent questioning about his motives. The beautiful woman was paranoid and suspicious of nature, and she disliked his wordless approach, though made sure he would not detect her growing discomfort. He was close enough to read the expression in her eyes now, and shades of maroon remained questioning. Was there anything he wanted from her?

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