suffering beneath me

ooc text. I hope you don't mind

Aeron Ganesa

Aeron had not spent much time inside the pack lands. She had stuck her nose out and spent time on the boarders and finding out things. She had not wanted to be a huge bother to long standing member here. So she sparsely gathered information and took time to learn. Looking up at the moon it was just so lovely.

unknown to her she had life growing inside her he woman of war was not meant to carry young she was meant to fight and kill. She had never wanted to carry young and she had not thought that the encounter with Hybrid had lead to offspring.

Walking along she found herself nearing a shoreline. She was tired and dirty. Her talk with the leader left her thinking about the packs and the wolves around here. Her home was all Coyote and the only problems they ever had were other coyote clans the wolves left them alone and when they did come they were in need of trade or had goods to trade.

Stopping short she looked out seeing Talitha a woman she had met once before. She was staying in the old gas station that she had showed her. but she found it not a suitable place for her. She would soon find a better place but for now she was content she had a roof over her head. "Hello dear enjoying the water?" She asked as she moved a little closer

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