Flowers don't bloom here
OOC: hai there Big Grin

The woman walked mindlessly along the borders of the pack she called home, her face set into a grim mask as it usually was, her too thin optime form easily brushing aside the caresses of the branches and shrubs and vegetation. Jace was not the happy go lucky wolf dog she once was and she thought it would be a long time before she could even think of beginning to be that way again, too much hurt and too much was lost for her to act as though nothing had happened. A strange scent caught her nose and her attention as things seldom did these days and the part arctic wolf femme turned her head towards the strongest direction of the scent.

Her long legs carried her swiftly even though her body had little energy to spare or use. The Phoenix Valley member simply ignored the call of her body for food and continued on her journey. She approached the intruder with haste, any trespassers were to be ejected and any joiners dealt with as quickly as possible. Pushing her way through the bushes she came into sight of a small brown wolfess whos ears were curled over although less than Jace's remaining ear tip was. Her cold, dead eyes swept over the female critically and Jace made a concious effort to soften her features so as not to scare the unknown canine, a smile devoid of any warmth flitted across her features although her eyes did not change at all .

"My name is Jace, you are trespassing upon Phoenix Valley lands, what is your business here?" The woman did not waste time with her questions, either this was a joiner or she was an intruder and both were to be dealt with quickness. She folded her arms across her chest, the scars on her face standing out in contrast to the white fur and brown eye spots.

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