Cave Canem
Sarajevo nodded genericly and turned back to his work. He was getting older now, perhaps this was his personality changing. Whatever it was he decided it was kind of fun. His mother put a hand to his shoulder and whispered something in his ear, giving him a dark smile.

Io turned to the boy, a quick nod aimed his way, 'Yes, as I thought'. She picked up a box full of clothes and thought for a moment. 'Just grab the boxes with my cooking things in. Put them in that corner. The woman move the box she was carring over to her bed, a small yet sturdy thing, found in halifax.

'So I assume Inferni has treated you as well as it has treat myself?' She expected nothing else from her new home. Already she had been impressed by the clan and had already began to take pride in her pack.

'I suppose after you've helped I should give you a reward' Io looked around, 'I'm afarid I don't have much with me, but if you ever want a cooked meal you know where my cave is'. Her eyes darted towards Sarajevo, 'I'm sure if you like, Sarajevo could craft you a cage trap, I have no doubt you'll be joining the warrior ranks when your older'. She smiled softly before turning around to see what else needed doing.

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