Everything's Strange

its fine! and uhhh ohhhh.

Skye was faintly aware of Bangle grabbing her arm when she stumbled a bit, and he let go; there was a very strange, very peculiar ringing in her ears, and it blocked out almost all noise - almost all but of Bangle's exclamation of what was wrong now.

The girl whipped around to face the coywolf, anger searing in her eyes and tears welling up. "You know," she said, the words being forced out of her; they were choking and halting words, her body was protesting, but she didn't care at the moment. "If you - if - you -" Deep breaths punctuated words in no order, as the girl felt herself out of breath. No matter how much she breathed in, she needed more and more, until her breathing was shallow and fast, and her voice high pitched and stressed. "If you're just here... to... make me feel guilty... about... not f-feeling well..." she said, her voice strangely constricted at this point; the breathing was still harsh and shallow and fast, and she didn't know what was going on - her mate wasn't helping her much, either. What was wrong now? Was she really that bad? She tried to help the pack the best she could during her pregnancy, she tried to fix the garden and feed the animals in the stables and visit her packmembers and try to make them feel better and cleaned around Thornbury and called a pack hunt and all her mate could say to her was what was wrong with her now?!

"The - then just... l-leave!" she shouted, the reaction a bit delayed from her last words, but full of anger nonetheless. The almost crazed, shallow breathing was still there, and the ringing in her ears hadn't stopped; and all of a sudden, the floor seemed slightly tilted, and her head felt light and dizzy.

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