[J] bang, bang, that awful sound

fail :x

It hurt her more than it did him. To take that tone with him. To treat him as if he was nothing more than her subordinate. But that was all he could be, Keese must never know that he had ever been more. She would not let her love be the one thing that endangered Anatoliy and she would not let him have any part in this. This was her problem, her fight. And for now she did not have to fake the anger that she felt, for she truly felt betrayed that he had not told her of his earlier encounter with Keese. All of this could have been avoided. She could have dealt with this alone. She would deal with this alone. It was the only way. She only hoped that one day he might understand. That one day he might forgive her.

His request tugged at the strings of her heart, the pleading in his eyes threatened to break through her stony facade. ”No.” Her single word answer was firm, resolute as she turned her back to him. Knowing that her resolve would not hold out if she continued to look into those golden eyes. ”Don’t make me repeat myself.” She acted cold and uncaring, unable to let either of the men to see how she was tearing out her own heart with the act.

Her attention then turned to the silver male, still clasping his side. She gave a huff of displeasure. "You look like shit." There was more gray to his muzzle than she remembered. Keese had once been densely muscled, but now he looked almost gaunt in comparison. The journey had not been easy on him "How many? How many did you bring with you? Where are they?" She doubted he would come alone. Such was not his style, for he almost always had at least his own personal detail with him.

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