Could you raise me up?

She didn't seem bothered by Liam's invasion of her physical space, and gave the softest smile seen on the features of the Latin female in her entire time outside of Nakzhi. His tail waggled behind him in excitement as he asked about the horses, and asked about her coat. His curiosity was the most entertaining thing. Had she been so inquisitive in her youth? Most likely not; she couldn't remember asking Anchjo about anything at all. Eager to explain herself to the pup, she started to form answers to what he wanted to know. Taliesin's voice allowed her a chance to bulk up her information, and learn about the new pack mates as well. Unlike her, he was technically a native, and like everyone, he wondered about her. Taking the offered dried meat, she swung her legs over the edge of the porch.

"Well, I come from place in the desert, ch'know? Real dry, lotsa sand. Left early; ain't really a good place to live. Met Mars and Barty after that; that's who made my coat, he's real good with sewin'. Then Mars left," she explained. At first, she spoke with a vigor that was common in the female, but it faded into vague sadness. It'd been such a long time since she'd been back with her awkward lover, but the hurt of being left behind remained. It didn't matter if he felt bad about it now; he'd still done it. With a sigh, she gave a shake of her head. "Me 'n Senorita, she's my horse, we followed Mars here. Sometimes I wonder why, but I guess I love ain' hard to love him."

Putting on her brave face, she turned her attention to Liam. "It ain' fur, it's leather. Like animal skin? 'n my eyes are pink 'cause my papa's eyes are pink. If you wanna see Senorita, I wouldn't mind. She pro'ly wouldn' mind either." Trying to answer all of his questions at once left her tumbling over sentences without her usual verbal grace.

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