I need my friends, family, everyone

Sorry for my lateness. Sad

Temo Wolfe

After a while of wandering and following Jace's trail through the forest. His ears drooping as his tail drooped with the increasing sadness that his thoughts have brought along with the slow flowing tears that periodically dripped to the ground. With Jace continuing to wander off and now having been gone for days he had begun to feel that she was no longer wanting to be with him any more. As if his not being there when she most needed him, he had failed her.

Her trail seemed fresher now as he followed it around the trees and bushes and got closer to where she had stopped. Temo stopped his search, still in the shadows of the forest where his dark fur hides him, as 3 wolves came into sight in the near distance. He recognized Jace and Falgar, but not the third one. He stood there watching and pondered if he should approach or not. Thoughts were going round and round in his head. About what happened to Jace and how it had changed her.

He cleaned up his face getting rid of the tear stains and slowly walked to the others wondering if Jace would be happy to see him or not, or if the others would be happy with his intrusion. Turning his emotions inward and not letting them show, he sat down after he approached and said "Hi everyone, how are you all doing?"


Temo "Talks" Thinks Walks

Table lovingly created by Kaena Lykoi

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