M-heart is in the right place,brain is in the dirt

Word Count → 308 :: Not at all! Thanks so much for joining in. It's actually nice to write with someone new for a change. Hoorah!

The smooth glass was held tightly in both palms, but the girl lifted a hand to the metal lid to unscrew the mason jar. When the lid was free, the sweet scent of the cured cannabis inside easily wafted into the air. This in particular made the young Inferni woman grin, for she had a particular love for this plant and its uses. More importantly, however, were the mushrooms she had found. Though she had not taken them before herself, Clover had witnessed others among Juniper Peace discover new worlds while they tripped on the magic caps. Delicate fingers snaked their way past the circular ridge, gently grasping at some of the mushrooms. With a thin layer of glass separating her pale yellows eyes from the actual plants, Clover observed her findings with interest and anticipation. Not only was she excited for the potential trip she would soon enough experience, she was also a natural green-thumb, and was thus curious about the mushroom’s properties.

Clover did not get much time to investigate the shrooms further, however, for she was no longer alone. Both darkened ears twitched slightly along the top of her skull, catching the sound of Makhesthai’s footfall just as the girl’s gaze turned to greet him. When her eyes took in the young Luperci, her hands (and the jar they were still clinging to) came to rest easily in her lap. Though he was young and still would need time to grow into his adult frame, Mak was still taller than Clover while she remained sitting on the ground as she was. After the slightest moment, her gaze sought those vibrant blue eyes of his. "Hey there, love." Silent eyes wondered about the child – just how old he was, the nature of his blood, and his name, for starters. "Out for a walk on this lovely day?"

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