Cave Canem

Makhesthai watched mother and son interact with each other and was once again reminded that his own, wherever she was currently stalking, hated him and wished for his death most preferably at her own hands. His brothers and sister had been weaker than himself and so had died, murdered by her claws and teeth leaving him alone to face the wrath of their evil mother. The pup picked up the boxes that Miss Io Berlin asked of him and moved them to the required place

The question was acknowledged with a twist of his ear in her direction as the pup moved the boxes to the corner, Inferni is my home, they accept me here, that is enough for me. At least here I don't have to worry about a homicidal female trying to kill me." He was loyal to Inferni and was setting up towards walking the path of become utterly devoted, Inferni had provided him a home when he was left out in the cold by the very person who should have protected him, as much as the child did not wish to think of these things they were a constant battering against his mind always circling.

'I suppose after you've helped I should give you a reward' The boy looked up in surprise; he had not offered his help for a reward or incentive and he said so,

"You do not have to give me any reward, I helped you because I wanted to not because I wished to gain things from you..." The hybrid paused for a second before continuing, "But thank you for offering, I have never before eaten a meal cooked by fire, I used to live off of mice and insects when under the care of my mother." the word 'mother' was spat like poison from his lips but his gratitude showed in his eyes that then shifted onto Sarajevo, his voice aimed at the older boy now instead of the woman,

"If it would be no trouble, lessons in making those traps would be appreciated." Makhesthai was still stuck into the routine of politeness and respect foisted onto him by the red hell demon female and the formality in his voice bothered the orangey pup slightly

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