took the stars from our eyes

Word Count → 443 :: I had written a reply to this while somehow failing to read China's reply. It was really funny, because I essentially had written the same dialogue for her. Lol, slow Anna is slow. <3

It pained the girl to see her own sister in such agony, but there was not much Clover could do for her right here. It was clear by the way Sage cradled her arm that her fall had caused injury, and Clover desperately wished D’Neville was closer so that she might whisk her sister inside and look at her arm. Though Clover wasn’t as skilled in medicinal knowledge as some in Inferni were, such as Enkiel, she had learned a few things. Depending on what had gone wrong for her Sage, treatment could be a easy as a sling.

"Shh," she murmured in response to her sister’s sobs, a small hand tracing Sage’s good arm in attempts to comfort her. However, when Sage attempted to move her injured arm and was greeted only by pain, Clover watched as her sister curled into herself. She could not bear to see her sister carry such agony and defeat, and tears began to fill her own eyes.

When her sister rose wobbly to her feet, Clover’s straw gaze assessed Sage’s lithe frame. It wasn’t until then that she noticed the blood along her sister’s knee, and quickly rose to her own feet. "No, Sage," Clover forced her words out, mirroring China, though they were somewhat distorted as she attempted to keep a sob from choking out. She wasn’t sure why she had grown so upset over this whole ordeal, for she was not facing nearly as much pain as her tawny counterpart, but she couldn’t help it. Clover had always been a sensitive spirit. "We need to go home," her words trailed away, while pale yellow flashed to find those always calming blue eyes. She didn’t want to abandon their search for Razekiel, but Clover feared that if they did not get home now, it would be impossible down the line. Sage’s arm needed proper care, and they would not be able to help her stuck out in the snow like this.

Though delicate features had been contorted with sympathy and hurt, they now fell into a hard stare that did not often surface. There was going to be no objections to their ruling, she had decided. "We need to get you bandaged up, Sage. Daddy has to wait." There was some pain in her eyes as she said this, a fear that their father didn’t have time to wait, but the girl had her jaw locked firmly and looked to China in support. Right now, it was more important to make sure the three of them got home safe. Though perhaps Sage's injury was not serious, Clover could not risk losing another of her sisters.

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