I don't need no arms around me

It was not simply their chosen lands or obligations that kept them apart, but a greater and more distant chasm of opposing natures. He was cruel and war-like, and she soft and gifted with healer’s hands. Unless they were capable of existing outside of these things they would forever be apart—the sun and the moon chasing each other for those few brief and beautiful moments where they overlapped. Dynamically opposed, they could only run and hope for moments like these, as few and far between as they were.

With their intimacy, he did not feel it improper to watch the transformation as many did. She was sleek and elegant in all shapes, and the view pleased him. Likewise, her sardonic formality brought a smile to his dark face. Lifting his head in a show of authority, he limped over to the bed and leapt into it gingerly, careful to land on his good shoulder. “Oh, perhaps,” he answered her, turning and settling on the piles of blankets and furs. “But it is Gabriel who leads Inferni, so Gabriel may share his bed with whomever he wishes.” Arrogance; he felt the scar on his muzzle tingle slightly, as if reminding him of the fault. He dismissed it for the time being, wagging his tail suggestively at the collie who had forced her way into his home.

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