From Rags to Riches
Mizu was finally pulling out of her depression. At least it felt that way. The tears had faded away and she felt happy again. She had made new friends that had helped her, giving her positive information that just made her feel better. Alae had comforted her about her want to die and feeling comforted pushed away the want. Teo had said nice things about her and confided in her. It felt nice to have friends that don't want you to die, or would be sad if you did.

She was already in the area so she thought she would just walk around more. Traveling for fun was something she had missed. Since she had joined the pack she tried to stay kind of away from the borders for she felt she wasn't wanted. Teo had said that any pack would be lucky to have her so she began to think that they didn't accpet her into the pack for no reason. All the crying she had been doing had pretty much washed away her facial markings. She had just re-done them that morning which is why she was traveling in her Optime form. As she continued along she spotted another wolf. Could this be a new friend?! Her face broke out into a happy smile and she got closer, "Hello."

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