
iSuck at small talk >.<

Umbra kept himself from breathing a sigh of relief when Tawny said he'd stay here. Instead he nodded understandingly. "It is a good place," he said noncommittally.

It was a good thing that Tawny/Laruku didn't see fit to speak of his reasons to stay away from others, because if he had, Umbra would most probably have had to feign brief interest and mild sympathy. No, Umbra wasn't the kind of person to care much about those he'd been raised to view as freaks. He'd been a good hunting partner, and Umbra could see how suddenly gaining a lot of weight could be practical at times, but he'd never see it as a natural thing. That Tawny looked like a coyote was actually a good thing in Umbra's eyes, because that meant Umbra had never expected him to be entirely wolf.

He looked to the remains of the deer. He did want to leave right away, to be honest, but it would be such a shame to leave it. Who knew how plentiful prey would be where he was headed? Yet... It wasn't as though he'd be able to carry anything with him, and he wasn't too keen on spending more time than necessary together with Tawny.

He yawned. "It's a long time since I ate this much," he said, looking towards the inviting umbrage at the edge of the clearing. "Perhaps it would be a good idea to rest now, and head out closer to nightfall..."


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