you'll go backwards, but then

sorry for the delay! D: D:

The female's pregnancy was far along now, and it was only a matter of weeks, she thought, before her pups were due. Pups, plural - she knew that now, as they wiggled around inside of her and her belly was growing by the day. She felt weak and wearied and had finally heeded Shawchert and Bangle's advice and stopped doing very heavy work - she still patrolled the borders, however, and today was no exception. The female was up bright and early to make sure that the borders were secure and that maybe they had a new member - she hadn't seen many joiners, and thought it may be because the news of the murderer had spread around the packs, even though now Argul was finally dead.

She paused as she heard the crack of a small twig - her ears went into hyperdrive, trying to pinpoint the location of the sound. She had only gotten a few ways towards it before she heard a small, high-pitched squeaking that could have been a howl, although it seemed weak. Able to walk towards the voice now, she stepped into a small clearing and looked about her - she saw a glimpse of something dark gray disappear behind a bush as well as the scent of a loner...coyote?

Skye walked up to the tree that the coyote had hidden behind and touched it, slowly peering around the thick trunk. "...Hello?" she asked, confused by the strange antics of this person.

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