the fallen princess
mall-caps;text-varientConfusedmall-caps;">IT'S ONLY cript;">FOREVER, NOT LONG AT ALL

She twisted underneath a fuller form in attempts to save herself whatever pain could come in the future, yet all her trying was futile. Even she, stubborn as she was, knew when the end was near. As she waited for the dark monster to finalize the destiny he had attempted to start in life, she saw the faces of many memories past. Crimson eyes closed. The blow never came. Instead, the unfamiliar twang of a complex weapon destroyed her ghost, sending the Devil to shadowed smoke that invaded her lungs and disappeared on the phantasmal wind. Suddenly she could breath again. Her limbs were free. And she was still alive. The scrawny woman turned, chest heaving as she tried to rid herself of nausea.

Even as the rough voice of a stranger caught her attention, she gazed at the ground. The earth was black. Golden stars sprung up beneath her hands, glistening amongst the rest of the shadows. She was confused. Where had the end disappeared to? Where had her demons gone, and what was this man in their place? Questions went unanswered in the darkness of her mind, and she didn't expect these would be any different.

"If I don't, I'll never be like my father or brother." All her paths led to that, to be like Gabriel and Ezekiel. Strong. As it stood, she was a mess. Little did she know it was acceptable. Her father hid is own illness so well, and she knew nothing of the generations before him. Autumn fur gathered itself and managed to stand, unstable on two feet as her mother's crimson eyes sought the face of what had been her saviour.

It wasn't the blonde coat that startled her, but the red eyes she found in his face. Red like her own, but at the same time so different. It wasn't strange for her to see red eyes, not in her cousins, but this was not a hybrid creature of Inferni that stood before her. This saving grace of her nightmare was a wolf, a fact that — even in her dreams — held the worst connotations. She stepped backwards. "And am I to assume you're just the same? What demon are you to invade my thoughts?"

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