you'll go backwards, but then

The man stammered a bit before introducing himself as Micah; the name wasn't familiar to her, and it had a foreign feel that she liked. She stood in front of the dark speckled man, her ears erect and her tail relaxed - she clearly didn't need a large show of dominance in front of this person, who already seemed nervous enough as it was. Her eyes showed interest as he said that he wanted to join the pack - the man seemed very nervous, true, but she was sure that he'd warm up to the pack once he was in it. What, exactly, he did, however, was a mystery until he presented himself as an artist, and showed her a strange can.

She cocked her head and inspected the can for a few seconds before she remembered what it was - it was sort of like a paint can, like the artists in her pack had sometimes, but you sprayed from it. It was a human invention, and she admired the way it worked as well as this man's ability to either fix or create one. She smiled back at his own timid grin. "We at Cercatori d'Arte accept all sorts of artists," she said. "I've never seen someone paint with a spray can before, but we all learn something new every day, don't we?" she asked with an air of ambiguity before giving the man another smile. "You're a painter - do you have any other skills that would contribute to the pack?" She knew that even if he didn't have any others, she would accept him nonetheless; she disliked the required lines of acceptance, but knew they were necessary. They couldn't have a lazy pack, now!

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