The past that's in between us
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OOC: Dungo! D:

It almost scared the living daylights out of Lubomir, the uncanny way in which Connor could change from rage to serenity so quickly. And his words cut Lubomir to the core, as if the other knew exactly what to say. Die to protect, huh? How many times had Lubomir not lain awake, dreading the nightmares and the fear of waking up to those gruesome scenes? He could feel rage building up in his chest and cold deadly contempt for this wolf. 'You speak of things you do not know. You are a fool, McTravis. How many times have you seriously challenged death?'

Connor was playing with him. Lubomir's vision was darkening around the edges, the way it happens to some humans when they get migraines (not that Lubomir had ever had a migraine). And anger was piling up inside him, making him balance between rationality and pure animal rage. He bared his teeth in a low growl, finally letting his annoyance show. 'I do not judge you, you pathetic waste of space. Do you know what it's like to see those you love torn to bits by wolves who bring the stench on death? To run from some nameless terror and not sleep at night for fear today they caught you? No, Connor. You bring death and destruction upon yourself. You are no better than the monsters who slew my pack. Yes, Connor, you are a monster, a vile filthy creature whose sole purpose it is to channel their anger into killing those around him. You speak of protecting us. I wonder if we should not protect ourselves from you.'

If there was one thing Lubomir could not stand it was someone backing away like that. Letting out a louder growl, he pounced towards Connor, skidding until he was right in from of him. 'We are not done, McTravis.'


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