Cave Canem
500+ : 5 points
skull at the borders: 5 points

ooc: guess this is done then Big Grin i'll have it archived

He could feel his time in their cave conversing with them was coming to a close and so began to move towards the exit, again he bowed to them as he left their presence. Makhesthai walked away from the cave unsure or not whether they would want him to return again. They were an odd pair and the little pup had no other medium of which to judge normality, the only other normal he knew was biting and slashing and pain and there didn't seem to be any of that between the doggish looking mother and son. The boy child shrugged and broke into a light jog in the direction of the borders that faced onto The Dampwoods and eventually would lead to the wolf pack Phoenix Valley.

It didn't take him long to reach the borders and the growing boy walked along its boundaries, patrolling vigilantly whilst keeping watch for any that would intrude upon claimed land. Not that Makhesthai was in much of a position to fight many of them off but he hoped some could be talked out of it and whichever ones were violent well, the child grinned, Inferni would come down on them like a falling tree in a wind storm. Rumbling in the distance and the smell of water said that there was a storm coming soon and the child wished to avoid that, being wet and cold was not a past time he enjoyed.

As Makhesthai began to turn to go back to the caves from which he had just come a flash of brown caught his eye and a rabbit streaked past him, triggering the instinct to chase the boy followed after it, making as little noise as he could the boy slowly crept towards the small plant eating animal that had stopped to chew on some new leaves. Before the rabbit knew what was happening it was dead with its spine snapped. The boy was pleased with his catch, it would make a good meal for him, for a second the skulls lining the border caught hi eye and Makhesthai looked at the dead rabbit. Thinking to himself the male grasped the rabbits neck in his jaws and pulled, blood flooded his mouth and at first the neck resisted but then with a tearing of flesh and a crunching of vertebrae bones the rabbit's neck and head came free of its deceased body. Keeping hold of the body lest someone come along and steal it from him while his back was turned.

The orange coyote hybrid climbed up into one of the trees that stood at the border and carefully arranged his rabbit neck and head amongst the skulls of others who had learned the consequences of trespassing into inferni the hard way and with their lives. Satisfied with his work he jumped down from the tree, and wiped his hands in the grass. Makhesthai set off again for the caves with his headless rabbit clutched in his hand, the cooling carcass still dripping blood from the gaping hope at its shoulders.

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