nec spe, nec metu

It was by pure luck she caught his scent on the wind. Quit honestly in the last month her hybrid cousin had slipped her mind. For a while she had wondered if he had made it out or not, yet had been unable to grieve or fear as she didn’t know the truth and believed it to be a waste of emotion if she didn’t know for sure. However the curiosity she had, had faded, as the yearling busied herself with the job of leading a pack and acquainting herself with the new lands, new pack members, and all the new events that had occurred since fleeing the fire. Truly it had been a month, more even, yet the time passed so quickly for the female, she had scarcely noticed how long it had been, until she smelt him. Laruku.

Cercelee had simply wanted some air, and the air within Dahlia de Mai had seemed far too stale. The female knew it was in her mind, but the scene of Haku and Colibri seemed to linger, to sour the air, and the rosea had spent the days since away from the pack, thinking over what had occurred between mother and son. And wondering still why Haku had returned without Coli. And whether Haku was really going to stay, and if he did, what of Colibri then? It was the first time in a long time so many worries occupied her mind at once, normally she would just let them go. And if they didn’t go on their own, she would push them out. Yet now that the pack depended on her, she would give them a bit of time to mull them over, yet the scent she caught was a distraction, but not an unwelcome one.

Following the scent she eventually got sight of the male. Seemingly just to wander, as she was now. Her gait, which had been quick pace moment before, became slow but determined as she made her way towards him, and once she was sure he caught sight of her as well she bowed her head at him. Whether he wanted it or not, Laruku would probably always have her respect, and although she rejected her family he was one of the few she counted among her blood. Perhaps both qualities were ingrained from the time she had spent with him as a child, ideas and beliefs impressed upon her brain when she was most moldable. Cercelee did not question them though, she merely smiled at the male and waited for him to speak first.


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