I'll be the last to know your name

Word Count → 265 :: Oh, derf.

He must have been a warrior for the clan, Clover decided. Now that she looked past the mud dirtying parts of his coat, it was easy to see the scars that adorned his frame. He was rugged and even now he was in his secui form – the true signs of a warrior, right? But Clover didn’t really know much about that, so she could have been easy to jump to conclusions. Not until she had traveled to the lands of Inferni had she been faced with some of the darker truths of the world. Juniper Peace had done its best to desensitize Clover to the cruel realities of the world, and she was only now discovering how dark a place it was. Mother Earth could no longer fool her; she was not the ignorant child she had once been.

"Nope," she responded simply, writing off the clear dissatisfaction in his voice simply as the personality of a warrior. He must have seen some dark things in his time, and so she assumed he must perpetually be cold. She could not blame him for being that way – he was a product of the cruelty of the world. Mother Earth had not been kind. "Do you?" She asked him them, brushing some of the golden chestnut away from her face to fully reveal the roan red mask characteristic of her bloodline. She realized now that she should have brought her mason jar with her, but a spark reminded her that she had tucked a joint into her headband, and the young Inferni coyote smiled to herself.

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