It's empty in the valley of your heart [p]

:] what should we do now? New thread or keep going?

Without any sort of warning or signal, the stallion was off. Ezras chest tightened as the horse broke into a full-fledged gallop, and the boy felt his nerves ignite as his eyes snapped shut. He was so frightened of falling off, and despite Ever’s clear comfortable stance, he wasn’t sure how much more of this he could take. After a hundred meters or so of nerve-wracking riding, the hybrid finally found some sort of balance on the stallion and relaxed a little. His nerves slowly cooled down as he gripped his two-toned thighs to the horse’s back. Ezra was beginning to enjoy this, and he could see why Ever loved the horses so very much.

It was an adrenaline rush like no other. The boy breathed rhythmically with the stallions hooves, getting into the motion of riding. Ezra finally allowed his eyes to open, and what a sight there was to see. They were flying by everything. Despite the fact that they were contained in a pasture, he still felt free as the trio continued to speed around the closed off area. Ezra gave his mate a squeeze around her waist topped off with a kiss on her shoulder. “This is amazing!” Ezra laughed, enjoying the spring breeze rustle his dark mane.

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