Sticks and Stones

Umbra blinked. And blinked again. See how patient he was? The other wasn't even speaking normally, but threw in loads of made-up words -- probably to make himself out to be better than Umbra. Well, he failed.

"You say what?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow skeptically."I'm Umbra," he added, having actually understood that part, mostly due to the sign language accompanying the words. Well, at least this creature saw fit to introduce himself, unlike Tawny whom he'd never gotten an actual name from.

A thought hit him. "Do you even understand me?" There was the slight possibility that the other wasn't just making words up. A part of him wanted to believe that, whereas the more suspicious part of him doubted that it could be so. Partly because that meant his first assumption would have been wrong, and Umbra... Well, who liked to be wrong? Besides, it was a shifter. Anyone who trusted a shifter was clearly not paranoid enough.

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