Putting the past behind me...

Out of Character

Coding by Sie - WC: 633

A wee bit sucky and confusing. Sorry x.x

In Character

As far back as he could recall (and of the times that he was sober enough to remember), he had never been taken by surprise easily; he made a point to always have a vague idea of what was happening around him; knowing as many of the secrets that were weaved into each individuals lives as possible. Despite the fact he played the fool and constantly ruined his own life with his judgement errors, he believed himself to be an overall good judge of character and capable of reading between the lines.

So when the female introduced herself as the Alpha, he couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in honest surprise. Within his mind, he had pictured a powerful male, yet before him stood a ‘gentle’ female who appeared younger than him. He would have never pegged this ‘Nayru’ for being an Alpha…

It wasn’t due to her age, nor gender that he had assumed she wasn’t an Alpha, or even a wolf of high standing, for that matter. She simply didn’t have that feel of authority and self importance to her that alphas always seemed to have. Thankfully, due to his rare sober state, he managed to conceal the extent of his surprise, only the slight raise of an eyebrow to give him away.

He hoped the Alpha would not notice, or if she did, be insulted by his minor display of surprise; he didn’t want to insult her and lead her to believe I was looking down on her... annoying an Alpha was a one way ticket to the underworld.

Yet, he could not resist the temptation to see if he had judged her wrong. Quickly, he did a double check of the female, checking to see if he had missed some giveaway sign that screamed ‘I’m the alpha, fear me!’, but he saw noting and reached the same conclusion; the female before him had an aura of a calm and kind nature, her appearance was that of subtle beauty, not that of a cruel, merciless leader.

Then again, his opinions on Alphas’ was somewhat twisted; he’d always seen them as control freaks who seek to steal away his freedom, and look down upon him with disapproving eyes. Knowing the two toned female was the alpha of Dahlia eased some of his nerves, but on the other hand, he found himself having to keep his mouth in check even more than before. No hitting on the Alpha, he reminded himself.

Despite his initial surprise, there was one thing that didn’t surprise him; the inquiry about Cercatori D’arte. He knew that it was highly likely that he would be questioned, but he had hoped that he would be able to avoid telling his tale. His ear twitched and his nerves were back, hitting him with another full frontal assault. Might as well get this over with…

“Due to… a unique series of circumstances, I found myself residing within Cercatori D’Arte for a length of time, yes.” He answered, side stepping how exactly he’d been accepted into D’arte. For some reason, telling Nayru he was raging drunk, singing in a snowstorm, which lead him to fall into a pool and nearly drown, only to be saved by his sister whom he then attempted to flirt with, for he’d hit his head hard enough to suffer memory loss… it didn’t seem like a good idea.

“I did not settle there though; I did not grow to know its members, and things are awkward between me and my sister, who currently resides there too, and so I choose to leave. Which lead me to your borders” he dipped his head, hoping that his answer was good enough for her. If he had to go into details, there was a high possibility things could get.. messy.

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