Set Fire To The Face On Fire
She bared her fangs at her nephew as she heard the words that he uttered with no care at all. The silver and gold female's ears pressed flat against her skull as she glared at the male before her. She didn't care now that he was family, the way he was acting and the scent that seemed to coat every inch of him was nothing but bad news. She snarled at him as she spoke up, her idea of what his business was was nothing she wanted to think about. "Any business any wolf has on Inferni's lands is bad news for the rest of us." Her normally bright blue eyes with the gold flecks seemed cold and stormy as she took another step towards him, not in concern for him anymore though.

She didn't care that her heckles were raised anymore as she stared at him, they were almost the same height, but her horror and anger at the words he spoke made her seem larger than she knew she was. She didn't know what in the world had happened to the pup she once knew but it was obvious that he had changed a great deal. A growl rose in her throat as she met his eye, "What the hell kind of business was it Haku!" she spat the words at him, the uneasy feeling growing in the pit of her stomach already telling her what kind of business it was.

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