Set Fire To The Face On Fire
Eyes opened yet again and watched the female wolf take a first step into a rage within her heart. Her fangs displeased him further, and his gaze turned cold, a bizarre achievement for warm baby-blue eyes. Was that a threat? Was she threatening him? She was more right than she knew, bad bad business for the wolves. He got up on all four, turning slightly around, facing her properly in case she would make a foolish move. He was no pup any longer, but a fully grown male, matching her in size and a bit more. He did not copy her body language, just kept a cold, disapproving stare at her. A growl reached his ears, and he now considered the wolf in front of him quite hostile and impolite. She had business with what he did, and it bothered him that she meant she had that privilege.

There the word ’hell’ popped up again. Such language, such use of the language. Iskata. There the name popped up from nowhere, and he knew who had dug it up for him. So considerate. His appearance at the moment should be speaking loudly enough without words. A picture could tell more than thousand words, was that not a fitting quote in this setting? ”My kind of business. Not yours, dear Auntie.” He was a bit unsure of how to dismiss her, as she seemed to be quite inflamed because of what she saw and the thoughts she was getting out of it.


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