Set Fire To The Face On Fire
The look he gave her reminded her of her wayward son DaVinci. So many times he'd challenged her because of their past, but atleast DaVinci had a reason for being angry with her. She wasn't sure what Haku had been up to but she planned to find out, if he wouldn't tell her she'd find out on her own, but she wanted to hear it from him. "It will become my business faster than you think.." she hissed at him as she watched him move to face her. She wasn't about to back down until she got some sort of answer, no matter what the cost.

She lowered her head slightly as she met his disapproving glare and held it. "Tell me what started such need for your business, sonny.." She hated to believe that one of her blood would just cause such needless bloodshed for no reason at all. He had to have a reason, any real reason she could take. She probably wouldn't agree with it, but then again he didn't know what Inferni was like. "Haku, whatever you've done you're going to regret." She had a feeling it was starting all over again and she didn't want to even remember the first time. She needed to know.. but she was afraid to.

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