I walk the line. [AW]
Tal was chasing after Liam, both running on four legs today. The boy just kept growing up. Four months and lanky, the brown hued child was swifter than the white father had expected. He followed his son with a smile, letting the boy run as he pleased. Liam was the first to spot the stranger. If it had been a black wolf, Liam would have fled in terror. Black wolves were mean and evil. But it wasn't, it was a young thing like him. The boy slowed, his father taking the cue and slowing as well. It took a few minutes for the father to realize why his son was slowing down.

Tal smiled. Liam was going to make a new friend, it seemed. He decided to hang back and see where this would take his boy.

Liam stopped a few feet from the stranger, his tongue lolling from his mouth. "Hi there! I'm Liam, and this is my dad. Who are you?" His tail wagged easily as he studied the stranger. He was a freidnly kind of pup, not like his dad had been. Tal had always been shy and reserved, but very curious. He assumed Liam's mother had been the opposite, outgoing.

Liam sat, grinning amiably at the other boy.

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