Set Fire To The Face On Fire
She snarled at him, still not accepting that this had nothing to do with her and that she had no right to know. Oh, how bothersome. It would have been easy to take some action and get rid of the whole annoyance, but it was family, and he did not want to receive any injury. Why go dig deep and search for trouble? He failed to understand that, but she wanted it her way, and she seemed to want to be stubborn and annoying. This was obviously not a relative he would be fond of in the future, and the same could probably be said the opposite way as well. Nevertheless, he would share nothing of what had started this little mess, but if she so insanely wanted to, then he could give her the short version of his beautiful work of art.

Her words seemed to be ignored, but it was only his lack of reaction. ”I killed a coyote and her little child.” A smile appeared in his handsome face, as the scene from last night was replayed. ”It is odd how much blood you get when you really slice them up.” The smile suddenly fled from his face. Okay, he was disturbed, he realized it just as he said it, and he regretted the words he had let slip past his lips. It was not his fault, it really wasn’t, he would never have done something like that? Or would he? Why was the blood all over him if he had not done it? He had, he had committed a cruel crime. His ears flattened fully and a childish despair came over him, pulling him down, filling his blue orbs. ”Don’t tell mom!”

Mom? Colibri? She did not love him anymore, she had not loved him after his evil twin had taken his place and hurt her. It wasn’t him, it hadn’t been him, he would never have hurt the white pelted goddess with the sad, color lacking eyes.


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