whats the difference between exploring

Truth be told, Caspa almost preferred her four-legged form. If it wasn't for the curtains of hanging fur and ears that hampered her view, without the handy plaits to keep them tamed, she would have. She was sensitive to the cold though, and though the weather was nowhere near the freezing point she'd been walking through all winter, she still needed her coat to stop her shivering. She wore it now as she stepped outside, intent on a morning ramble through the packlands. Then the sun hit her, its rays intensely warm on this spring morning. Happily she shrugged off the leather garment, folding it over one arm. It was heavy and she staggered a little as she continued towards the gate. Switching arms every few minutes wasn't going to help much, she realised after a few more steps, she'd have to leave it behind.

The thought of climbing back up all those stairs was a little tiresome, and she sighed, wondering if she could leave it by the door without it getting in the way or drawing attention from the wrong person. She doubted it was to Magnolia's taste, or anybody with a real coat of wolf fur, for that matter. She'd just leave it on the grass out here; she wouldn't be long. She turned back towards the hotel, in the same movement tossing the coat off slightly to one side to rest on the lawn. Her arms grabbed for it the second it left her hands, but it was already gone; flying through the air in the direction of a figure she hadn't noticed, a Luperci and a lawn chair.


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