Set Fire To The Face On Fire
The words struck her like a slap to the face. She backed away from him as a numbing cold seemed to spread through her entire body shaking her head as she tried to rid the words from her memory. He hadn't really said those words, he hadn't. She tried to make herself believe it but she knew what she'd heard and she knew what it meant. He'd killed a mother and child on Inferni's lands, the only thought that came to mind was just who had become a mother for the first time in Inferni, Faolin. Fear shown in her eyes as she backed away from him, shaking her head as she tried to fight back the emotions that were taking over. "No, you didn't. You couldn't have..." she said, the words barely a whisper as she stared at him, the smile that light his face then flickered away so quickly scared her worse that the truth he'd admitted.

Something was wrong with the boy and it was more than obvious with the next words he said. The wail of a child who knew they were caught doing something wrong, begging to be let free and not punished. She took another step back and swollowed her fear, wanting to get away as fast as possible, but not sure if she should leave him here like this. She wasn't sure of what he could do or what he would do if she thought he was going to tell his 'mother'. She shook her head and gave in, hoping that she wasn't wrong about this sudden change in him, hoping that treating him like a child wasn't going to land her down the same path as the slaughtered coyotes. She shuddered as she tried to push the thought away, it couldn't be Faolin, there was no way..

She moved a step closer to him and made soft shushing sounds, trying to calm her nephew with her voice before she continued. Her soft sounds ended after a moment as she spoke up, her words a gentle coo, "I won't tell her..." she said as she scooted closer to him, seeing the despair in his eyes as she continued. "..If.. you tell me what started this all.. I'm sure there was a good reason behind it.." She hated herself for even suggesting that there was a good reason for killing an innocent child. Moving a step closer she smiled weakly at him, "Com'mon, you can tell your Auntie..." ...She hoped to god there was a reason behind it, but then again she didn't want to know.

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