A miracle to be blessed with...
my baaaaaad forgot about this, also im not sure if its my turn or Yuki's so i'll make it a short one


Jace could see how uncomfortable the female with the same mismatched eyes as herself was with Jace being near Noah in the way that she was. If Jace could have moved without disturbing the his body and given control of it over to this female who obviously cared a great deal for her brother then she would have done so immediately. As it was Jace did not dare move as Angel worked, scared that if she did then she would make things worse, Angel's words about his heartbeat being too faint for her to feel but that it was still there had made hope flare in her chest, Noah wasn't dead yet and Jace could scarcely allow herself to believe and hope in case he turned for the worse and did indeed die.

Jace looked up as another male charged into the clearing, this one was even bigger than Shawchert had been and towered over her by over two feet. As soon as he arrived he began discharging orders to all of them and Jace bristled, her hackles rising. Aside from Noah she was the highest ranking pack member around, and in the current order of the pack with their being no subleaders then she was one step below Jefferson himself, Angel had taken over because she knew more about healing than Jace or anyone else here did leaving the older female as the only one who could save Noah.

Jace had to suppress a snarl as this 'Jazper' snapped orders at them and had she not had Noah's head resting on her lap she would have stood up against this intruder and ordered him to stand down but from her position on the floor she was ordering no one about so instead she sent a glare towards him, unable to stop a quiet growl from leaving her jaws as she regarded Noah's older 'brother' coldly,

"Perhaps you should speak more kindly of your nephew. Considering the situation I would assume his father was not thinking straight when he set out for here." There was an obvious growl in her voice directed at the large man

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